Some tips to prepare EPMA analysis sessions :
You can download following documents if you want to do EPMA analysis. These documents contain a form you can send us by e-mail. You can also find additional informations on technics used ; on preparation of samples and operating rules of the service.
How EPMA analysis service works :
– Regarding sample :
It is necessary to ensure that surface is as smooth as possible. It is always possible to finely adjust height of sample, however there is a risk of shadow effets leading to errors on measurements X-ray intensities.
At mineral scale, different phases can overlap : a preliminary identification of zones by other methods with supporting photos take less time when determining points to analyze.
– Regarding analysis :
All available information regarding materials to be analyzed is likely to facilitate task of staff in charge for assessing feasibility of requested analysis. Although known as being non-destructive, this analysis technique can cause damage to certain particularly fragile materials. It is therefore appropriate to discuss this aspect with staff in charge.
During analysis session, it is recommended but not required that user be present. We take care of minimum necessary training for users to be able to acquire their data themselves.
Service operating rules :
EPMA analysis request file to complete :
demande_analyse_epma (french)
Pricing since 2023 :