Géosciences Montpellier
Université de Montpellier
Campus triolet cc060
Place eugène bataillon
34095 montpellier cedex05
Where to find us
Our planet’s solid epidermis is mobile, with horizontal and vertical movements ranging from a few millimetres to tens of centimetres per year. These movements occur at the surface, at the boundaries of lithospheric plates or within a deformed plate. These lithospheric movements are also associated with convection in the Earth’s mantle, involving exchanges of matter and heat between the surface and the deep Earth, and controlling our planet’s composition and evolution.
The Geodynamics theme seeks to characterize and explain plate and mantle dynamics, and their relationships with surface processes, for example:
• Structure, dynamics and evolution of the lithosphere, from continental rift to ridge.
• Formation of super-continents and reorganization of plate boundaries.
• Characterization of subduction zones (see SubMap).
• Material transfers (water, sediments, chemical elements) between the deep Earth and outer envelopes.
• Relationship between long-term deformation (movement of tectonic plates and mantle) and short-term deformation (seismic cycle).
• Impact of geodynamics on land surfaces and biological migrations.
The issues addressed overlap in part with the laboratory’s Deformation, Hazards, Resources and Early Earth themes.
The theme is organized into 3 main chapters
Lithospheric to mantle scale dynamics and processes in plate boundary and intraplate contexts.
Lithospheric structures in different geodynamic contexts: rifts, ocean ridges, subduction zones.
Relationships on different timescales between deep dynamics and surface processes; material transfers and petrological evolution of the lithosphere and mantle.
Our Tools
- Onshore field studies and oceanographic campaigns.
- Petro-structural, chemical and radiochronological analyses of natural samples.
- Thermo-Petro-mechanical modeling.
- Inversions for geophysical imaging.
Our studies
Contact: Marguerite Godard
Our strong points
- Complementary expertise: geophysical imaging, petrological and geochemical analyses, thermal, mechanical and chemical modeling.
- Multi-scale approaches: from infra-crystalline to plate tectonics, from present-day to primitive Earth, from seconds to tens of millions of years)
- Link between plate and mantle dynamics: transfers between envelopes and the evolution of our planet over geological time.
- January 10, 2024: Clint Conrad seminar “Geodynamic implications of lateral viscosity variations in the mantle”.
- January 12, 2024: “Geodynamics” kick-off meeting following the “Couplings & Transfers” thematic axis.
- February 6, 2024: Océane Foix seminar “Seismotectonics of the Lesser Antilles”.
- February 27, 2024: discussion led by Jean-François Ritz on the geodynamics of the Mongolia-Baikal region
Involved Persons
THEME ANIMATOR : Fanny Garel & Diane Arcay
The Geodynamics theme involves some fifty GM researchers, teacher-researchers, doctoral students, post-doctoral students and technical staff.