Géosciences Montpellier
Université de Montpellier
Campus triolet cc060
Place eugène bataillon
34095 montpellier cedex05
Where to find us
These open-access scientific software packages have been developed by researchers at Geosciences Montpellier.
Contact : Jean Chéry
ADELI Geomechanical software is a finite element code written in FORTRAN 77 that has been developed to model the thermo-mechanical behavior of the crust and lithosphere. It incorporates 2D and 3D versions for calculating quasi-static solutions. The mechanical analysis corresponds to a large deformation formalism using the objective derivative concept. Space is discretized into triangles (or tetrahedra in 3D) using linear shape functions. Spatial discretization is based on an explicit finite-difference technique combined with a dynamic relaxation method.
Contact : Christel Tiberi
COSTO : inversion of gradiometric + gravi + sismo data, jointly or separately.
Available on request by e-mail : Christel Tiberi.
Contact : Delphine Roubinet
The CROSSCALE code simulates the transport of reactive solutes (Advection-DispersionReaction) in heterogeneous media by considering non-linear chemical reactions from the scale of 2D simulations with an explicit description of the medium’s properties to a representative 1D scale where transport and reaction properties are upscaled. The code is based on multiscale random walker methods where chemical changes are considered at the pixel scale (the scale at which the properties of the medium are described).
Available on request by contacting : Delphine Roubinet.
Contact : Delphine Roubinet
The ERT_DDP_2.5D software allows us to model electric current flow in fractured media in 3D. This is done using a discrete double-porosity formulation in which fractured and matrix media are independently discretized and coupled at the matrix block scale.
Contact : Delphine Roubinet
The ERT_DDP_2D software allows us modelling electric current flow in fractured media in 2D. This is done using a discrete double-porosity formulation in which fractured and matrix media are independently discretized and coupled at the matrix block scale.
Contact : Rodolphe Cattin
GEEC : Calculation of the gravity field and gravimetric gradients associated with a body of any geometry.
Structural Geology
Contact : Bernard Célérier
Structural Geology (Sismotectonics and Drilling Geophysics) developped by Bernard Célérier, it’s a software package for structural geology and geophysics concerning : analysis of fault and strike-slip measurements collected on outcrops or analysis of focus mechanisms in seismotectonics (stereographic and cartographic representations, Frohlich triangles, histograms, calculation of true dip from apparent dips, restoration of structures by stratigraphic layer flattening, stress inversion), stress inversion from calcite macles, detection of stress indicators in drilling (analysis of drilling wall geometry from four-slip oriented diameters).
Contact : Rodolphe Cattin
Relative gravimetry is increasingly used in the geosciences. This software, developed by Rodolphe Cattin and Stéphane Mazzotti, is dedicated to processing gravimetric measurement campaigns. It is a free, open-source program using the MATLABTM language. Easy to use, it can be used by people with no specific knowledge of MATLABTM.
A description of the algorithms and an example of processing can be found in Cattin et al. (2015) :
This software is provided without warranty or support. Please contact us if you find any errors.
To download this code GravProcess 1.3 :
Contact : Delphine Roubinet
The PERFORM code simulates transport of solutes and heat (advection-dispersion) in 2D fractured media using a particle displacement method. One of the innovations of this code is that it takes into account transport processes in fractures and rock without discretizing the rock, thanks to the use of analytical solutions on scale of matrix blocks. This makes it possible to run simulations on dense fracture networks with reasonable computation times and numerical costs.
Contact : David Mainprice
PetroFabrics developped by David Mainprice :
- descriptive files of PetroFabrics :
description in format .PDF :
- PetroFabrics softwares for PC :
- PetroFabrics softwares for MAC :
Contact : Guilhem Barruol
SplitLab (Splitting Laboratory) developped by Andreas Wüstefeld, Guilhem Barruol, and Götz Bokelmann, it’s a seismic data processing program that determines seismic anisotropy from shear wave phase shifting.
Contact : Serge Lallemand
SubMAP (Subduction database) is a web-based subduction zone mapping tool developed in 2009 intially made for internal use by an former group of researchers from Géosciences Montpellier. It has been completely redesigned in a new version released online in June 2023, thanks to the efforts of an expanded collective comprising : Serge Lallemand, Nestor Cerpa, Michel Peyret and Arnauld Heuret. The Submap “community” also includes contributors such as Diane Arcay and Elenora van Rijsingen, who have helped to enrich the database. GM’s IT team is also heavily involved in the development of the tool.
Submap generates maps and sections using the (py)GMT library. The data available are taken from global open-access databases or from the team’s own data (Submap database) or compilations. These data can be downloaded in the form of data sheets containing a large number of geodynamic parameters characterizing 260 transects across oceanic subduction zones.
Submap is the culmination of a desire to valorize the work carried out at the Géosciences Montpellier laboratory, by making it accessible a large public. Initially developed for internal use, the tool has been gradually improved to meet two requirements: easing the use for a large public including students, teachers and researchers, as well as disseminating the long-term research work that has provided a unique database on subduction zones.
Contact : Gérard Lods
WTFM (Pumping tests in fractured media) developped by Gérard Lods and Philippe Gouze, is a software package with a graphical interface for the analysis of pumping tests in fractured media, taking into account the presence of two interlocking media, the fracture network and the rock matrix, and the impact of the fracture network geometry, which dominates the flow on the scale of pumping tests.