Géosciences Montpellier
Université de Montpellier
Campus triolet cc060
Place eugène bataillon
34095 montpellier cedex05
Where to find us
• Future doctoral students: you can go directly to the École doctorale GAIA. To find detailed information on the role of the École doctorale, the thesis charter and the doctoral student’s guide, as well as advice on possible funding, application procedures and thesis topics.
• List of theses defended in the laboratory since 2007.
• Please note: ADUM is a web portal providing information, services and communication for doctoral students and PhDs in the Montpellier Academy. The aim of ADUM is to create a network of doctoral students and PhDs, to act as a gateway to employment, and to meet the needs and missions of doctoral schools in terms of cohort management and follow-up.