


Fonction : Chercheur

Thème de recherche principal : Aléas

Équipe(s) : DL - Dynamique de la Lithosphère



Ma recherche porte essentiellement sur la géodynamique des zones de subduction en m’appuyant sur les observations issues notamment de campagnes océanographiques, à la fois régionalement comme par exemple à Taiwan ou dans les Antilles mais aussi globalement afin de constituer des bases de données exhaustives permettant de tester certains processus caractéristiques grâce à des modèles numériques ou analogiques.
Mes centres d’intérêts actuels concernent les conditions d’initiation des zones de subduction, l’effet de la rugosité de l’interface de subduction sur son comportement sismogène, l’histoire tectonique du système de subduction des Petites Antilles, la structure profonde et l’aléa sismique à l’est de Taiwan.

Nous avons développé un outil informatique Submap en accès libre facile d’utilisation, très utile lorsqu’on se pose des questions sur les caractéristiques de telle ou telle zone de subduction, mais aussi dans le cadre de l’enseignement pour accompagner les étudiants dans la réalisation d’illustrations de zones de subduction particulières. L’outil permet de réaliser des cartes, coupes et fiches de paramètres de zones de subduction incluant des données géodynamiques telles que bathymétrie, sismologie, gravimétrie ou encore cinématique.

Un second outil en ligne en accès libre, appelé Subquake, permet de télécharger des données sur les séismes de subduction de Mw≥7.5 (épicentres, rupture, aspérités).

English version

My research focuses on the geodynamics of subduction zones using observations from oceanographic campaigns, both regionally, such as in Taiwan or the Lesser Antilles, and globally, in order to build up exhaustive databases that can be used to test characteristic processes using numerical or analogical models.

My current interests concern the initiation conditions of subduction zones, the effect of the roughness of the subduction interface on its seismogenic behavior, the tectonic history of the Lesser Antilles subduction system, the deep structure and the seismic hazard in eastern Taiwan.

We have developed an easy-to-use open-access Submap tool, which is very useful when one has questions about the characteristics of a particular subduction zone, but also in the context of teaching to assist students in making illustrations of particular subduction zones. The tool allows the creation of maps, sections and parameter sheets of subduction zones including geodynamic data such as bathymetry, seismology, gravimetry or kinematics.

A second open-access online tool, called Subquake, allows downloading data on subduction earthquakes of Mw≥7.5 (epicenters, rupture, asperities).

Curriculum Vitae

Serge Lallemand

CNRS senior researcher

@ Geosciences Montpellier, , CC.60, place Bataillon, Université de Montpellier, 34095 Montpellier, France

phone : 33-(0)4-67-14-33-01               e-mail :

Specialty : Marine Geology & Geophysics, Tectonics, Geodynamics

Research Interests : Subduction zones geodynamics, Lithosphere-asthenosphere interaction, Seismotectonics, Collision zones, Mechanics of mega-earthquakes, Seafloor mapping, Seismic imagery, Marine paleoseismology, Oceanic highs subduction, Active margins tectonics, Seismogenic interface behavior, Arc & back-arc tectonics, Material transfer in subduction zones


1992 HDR, Paris 6 University (Marine Geology)

1987 PhD, Tokyo University – ENS Paris – Orléans University (Marine Geology)

1983 Engineer, Polytech’Orléans (Mining Geology) & Master, Orléans University (Marine Geology)

Professional appointments

2015- Geosciences Montpellier, Montpellier University

2007-2014 Geosciences Montpellier, Montpellier 2 University

2003-2006 Lithosphere Dynamics, Montpellier 2 University

1997-2002 Geophysics, Tectonics & Stratigraphy, Montpellier 2 University – CNRS senior researcher

1993-2001 Geophysics & Tectonics, Montpellier 2 University

1988-1992 Tectonics & Stratigraphy, Paris 6 University – CNRS researcher

Academic management

2015-2020 Deputy director, GAIA Doctoral School, Montpellier University

2016-2020 Co-director, IRP D3E (France-Taiwan Program « From Deep Earth to Extreme Events »)

2011-2014 Co-director, LIA ADEPT (France-Taiwan Program « Active Deformation and Environment »)

2011-2014 Deputy director, SIBAGHE Doctoral School

2007-2010 Director, Geosciences Montpellier Laboratory, CNRS – Montpellier 2 University

2003-2006 Director, Lithosphere Dynamics Laboratory, CNRS – Montpellier 2 University

1999-2002 Director, Tectonics Group, Geophysics, Tectonics & Sedimentology Laboratory – Montpellier

1995-2005 Director, Advanced/Master Studies School, Lithosphere Structure & Evolution – Montpellier

1987-1989 Director of Teaching, Advanced/Master Studies School, Continents & Oceans Geodynamics – Paris

Scientific expertise

2020-2023 Tectonics & Structural Geology Division’s S. Mueller & M. Tharp EGU medals committee

2020 International Galileo Galilei Prize for Geosciences committee, Italy

2012-2020 Solid Earth INSU-CNRS committee

2011-2020 President of Doctoral School competition for PhD candidates in Geo- & Hydrosciences, Montpellier

2014-2018 Scientific Council of Côte d’Azur Observatory, Nice

2014-2016 Scientific Council of IPGP Observatory, Paris

2013-2016 International Scientific Council, IUEM Observatory, Brest

2010- Selecting committees for teaching candidates in Clermont-Ferrand, Brest, Pau, Pointe-à-Pitre, Nice, Montpellier, Paris

2012-2013 Scientific, technical & industrial guidance regional committee, Languedoc-Roussillon

2011-2013 Steering committee of regional cluster TERINOV, Languedoc-Roussillon

2008-2012 President of IRD Specialized Commission Physics & Chemistry of Planetary Environment

2010-2012 Evaluation committees for research laboratories and observatories in Brest, Nice & Paris

2007-2010 Arago scientific, technical & industrial guidance regional committee, Languedoc-Roussillon

2007-2010 Scientific Council of OREME Observatory, Montpellier

2007-2010 EVAP Department Council, Montpellier 2 University

2005-2008 Scientific Council of Midi-Pyrénées Observatory, Toulouse

1997-2000 IRD Specialized Commission in Geosciences and Hydrosciences

1994- 54 PhD juries & 11 HDR juries

Scientific edition

2018-2020 Theme Coordinator for Geosciences collection, ISTE Science Publishing Ltd

2002-2023 Associate Editor, Tectonophysics, Elsevier

2007-2015 Associate Editor, Journal of Asian Earth Sciences, Elsevier

2007-2009 Associate editor, Tectonics, AGU

2009 Guest Editor, Springer special volume on Subduction Zone Geodynamics

2001 Guest Editor, Tectonophysics special volume on Active Subduction and Collision in SE Asia

1997 Guest Editor, Tectonophysics special volume on Active Collision in Taiwan

Project coordination

2018-2021 Co-PI of ANR Project GAARAnti Task 3, Fauna and Geodynamics in Caribbean Sea

2017 Co-chief scientist onboard R/V L’Atalante, GARANTI Cruise, Caribbean Sea

2013-2015 PI of INSU-Aléas Project PAST, Marine Paleoseismology around Taiwan

2012-2013 PI of PRC/JRP NSC/CNRS Project, Submarine landslides

2012 PI of INSU-SYSTER Project, Oceanic Seafloor Roughness and Seismogenesis

2007-2010 PI of ANR project ACTS, Active Tectonics and Seismic Hazard in Taiwan

2007-2008 Co-PI of ORCHID Project SEISMOBS with Taiwan

2008-2009 Co-PI of CNRS-CNR Project with Italy, Convergent Margins and Seismogenesis

2004-2006 PI of INSU-DYETI Project, Subduction Dynamics

1996 Chief scientist onboard R/V L’Atalante, ACT Cruise, Taiwan

1992-1993 Co-PI of INSU-DBT Project, Accretion vs Erosion along Active Margins

1992-1994 Co-PI PROCOPE Project with Germany, Convergent Margins

1991 Co-PI ACCES Project with USSR, Tectonics Modeling

Oceanographic cruises participation

EAGER – N/O Marion Dufresne, 2018, GARANTI – N/O L’Atalante, 2017, ANTITHESIS 2 – N/O Pourquoi Pas ?, 2014, OR1 1013 – N/O Ocean Researcher 1, 2012, RATS 4 & RATS 3 – N/O Yu-Ying 2, 2009, RATS 2 – N/O Ocean Researcher 1, 2008, KR 03-04 – N/O Kairei, 2003, STEPS IV – N/O Yokosuka, 2000, ACT – N/O L’Atalante, 1996, TAICRUST – N/O M. Ewing, 1995, MODEC – N/O L’Atalante, 1994, GEODYNZ – N/O L’Atalante, 1993, OR1 329 – N/O Ocean Researcher 1, 1992, OR1 291 – N/O Ocean Researcher 1, 1991, KAIKO-NANKAI – N/O Nadir, 1989, SUBPSO – N/O Nadir, 1989, KAIKO II – N/O Nadir, 1985, KAIKO I – N/O J. Charcot, 1984, ESTASE – N/O J. Charcot, 1984, NORESTLANTE – N/O J. Charcot, 1983.

Scientific meetings (co-)organisation

2022 Vertical motion in Eastern Caribbeans Workshop (18 participants), Ferrières-les-Verreries

2018 Caribbeans Workshop (40 participants), Montpellier University

2016 F-Taiwan From Deep Earth to Extreme Events Workshop (30 participants), Montpellier University

2013 EAGER Workshop on Extreme Events (50 participants), Chung-Li, Taiwan

2010 European Seismological Commission International Conference (600 participants), Montpellier

2007 Subduction Zone Geodynamics Conference (240 participants), Montpellier

2006 Subduction Workshop (60 participants), SGF Paris

1999 Subduction & Collision in East Asia Conference (120 participants), Montpellier

1990 Fluids in Subduction Zones Conference (100 participants), CNRS, Paris

Co-chairman of various sessions at AGU Fall Meeting, EGU Assembly, Goldschmidt …


Courses on Subduction Zones Geodynamics at Master level since 1988

Interventions in the framework of the discovery of geosciences at undergraduate level

Interventions in the framework of professional insertion

Post-docs supervision

2018 Pierre Malié, IODP-France, New Zealand Margin Diagenesis and Seismogenesis

2016-2017 Fabio Corbi, Marie-Curie fellowship, Asperity Synchronization and Earthquake Trigger

PhD supervision

2017-2021 Clément Garrocq, ANR GAARAnti, Seismic Imagery and Back-arc Dynamics in Lesser Antilles

2015-2018 Elenora van Rijsingen, ITN CREEP, Seafloor Roughness & Mega-earthquakes Seismogenesis

2014-2018* Sarah Abecassis, CNRS-Handicap, Subduction initiation at Transform Fault Processes

2011-2014 Rémi Lehu, NCU Taiwan Scholarship, Marine Paleoseismology East of Taiwan

2007-2011 Thomas Theunissen, UM2 Scholarship, Seismic Imagery of Southern Ryukyus

2002-2005 Arnauld Heuret, UM2 Scholarship, Relations among Subduction Zones Parameters

1997-2001 Anne Deschamps†, UM2 Scholarship, West Philippine Basin Formation

1996-2000 Yvonne Font, NTU Taiwan Scholarship, Southermost Ryukyu Margin Seismotectonics

1994-1998 Stéphane Dominguez, UM2 Scholarship, Oceanic Highs Subduction and Deformation

1991-1994 Philippe Schnürle, Paris 6 Scholarship, Tectonic Erosion and Material Transfer

Master 2 supervision

Lorine Bonnamy (2024), Adrien Damon (2020), Anis Allal (2020), Alexandra Skrubej (2019), Charlotte Guérin (2019), Solène Meyer (2018), Yann Heurtebize & Marie Lopez (2016), Océane Foix (2014, 2015), Louis Dargère (2011, 2012), Théo Berthet (2010), Antoine Quilichini (2007), Thomas Jacob (2005), Kathleen Depardon (2003), Arnauld Heuret (2002), David Boutelier (2000), Anne Deschamps & Sylvain Grelaud (1997), Jih-Chuan Tang & Yvonne Font (1996), Yvonne Font & Reda Meftahi (1995), Régis Drevet & Stéphane Dominguez (1994), Bertrand Ronel(1992), Philippe Robion (1991)

Academic honors

2019 Stephan Mueller Medal from EGU

2013 Silver Medal from CNRS

2004 Great Prize of the French Academy of Sciences, France-Taiwan Scientific Foundation

1998 D’Aumale Prize from the French Academy of Sciences

1994 Award from the National Institute of Water and Atmospheric Research Ltd (New Zealand)


136 peer reviewed papers, > 300 oral or poster communications

2 text-books : La subduction océanique, G&B, 1999, and Convergence lithosphérique, Vuibert, 2005

3 chapters in Encyclopedia: Springer 2016 and Elsevier 2017

h-index = 50/57 (source = WoS/GoS, 05/2024)

Online tools

Submap database providing subduction zones characteristics, maps and sections:

Subquake database providing spatial rupture information for Mw≥7.5 subduction megathrust earthquakes:

Explore my work on research networks :

Web of Science

Google scholar


Selected publications

1) Tectonic erosion

  • von Huene R. and Lallemand S. (1990). Tectonic erosion along convergent margins; Geol. Soc. Am. Bull. , 102, p. 704-720.
  • Lallemand S., Schnurle, P., Malavieille J. (1994). Coulomb theory applied to accretionary and non-accretionary wedges – Possible causes for tectonic erosion and/or frontal accretion; J. Geophys. Res., 99, B6, 12033-12055.

2) Subduction parameters

  • Lallemand S., Heuret A.* and Boutelier D. (2005). On the relationships between slab dip, back-arc stress, upper plate absolute motion and crustal nature in subduction zones; Geochem. Geophys. Geosyst., 6, 1. doi :10.1029/2005GC000917
  • Heuret A.* and Lallemand S. (2005). Plate motions, slab dynamics and back-arc deformation; Phys. Earth Planet. Int., 149, 31-51. doi:10.1016/j.pepi.2004.08.022

3) Oceanic high subduction and seismogenesis

  • Dominguez, S.*, Lallemand, S., Malavieille, J., von Huene, R. (1998). Upper plate deformation associated with seamount subduction;Tectonophysics , 293, 207-224.
  • Lallemand S., Peyret M., van Rijsingen E.*, Arcay D., and Heuret A. (2018). Roughness characteristics of oceanic seafloor prior to subduction in relation to the seismogenic potential of subduction zones; Geochemistry, Geophysics, Geosystems, 19, 2121-2146.

4) Regional studies

  • Lallemand S., Font Y., Bijwaard H. and Kao H. (2001). New insights on 3-D plates interaction near Taiwan from tomography and tectonic implications; Tectonophysics, 335, 3-4, p. 229-253. (times cited (WoS/GoS: 155/205)
  • Lallemand S. (2016). Philippine Sea Plate inception, evolution and consumption with special emphasis on the early stages of Izu-Bonin-Mariana subduction; Progress in Earth and Planetary Science, 3:15, 1-27. doi: 10.1186/s40645-016-0085-6

5) Extreme events

  • Lallemand S., Lehu R.*, Rétif F., Hsu S.-K., Babonneau N., Ratzov G., Bassetti M.-A., Dezileau L., Hsieh M.-L. and Dominguez S. (2016). A ∼3000 years-old sequence of extreme events revealed by marine and shore deposits east of Taiwan; Tectonophysics 692, p. 325-341.

6) Subduction initiation

  • Lallemand, S., Arcay D. (2021) Subduction initiation from the earliest stages to self-sustained subduction: Insights from the analysis of 70 Cenozoic sites. Earth-Science Reviews.
