Géosciences Montpellier
Université de Montpellier
Campus triolet cc060
Place eugène bataillon
34095 montpellier cedex05

Émilien OLIOT
Fonction : Enseignant-Chercheur
Thème de recherche principal : Déformation
Équipe(s) : MI - Manteau et Interfaces
Numerical identity 😅
Web of Science ; ORCID ; SCOPUS ; Mendeley ; Google Scholar ; HAL ; IdRef ; scanR ; ResearchGATE
Responsable Licence 2 Terre Eau Environnement
Responsable de l’équipe Manteau et Interfaces
Co-animateur du thème Structures et Rhéologie
Responsable scientifique SCT de Microscopie
- Metamorphic petrology – Metasomatism – Thermodynamic modeling
- Rheology – Ductile shear zones – Deformation mechanisms – EBSD
Research interests
- Interplays between deformation and metamorphism in low to high-grade metamorphic rocks
- Tectonic, geodynamic and rheology of the lithosphere during orogenic cycles
- Strain localization and multi-scale shear zones formation
- Thermodynamic modelling of phase relations in systems subjected to fluid circulations and chemical mass transfers
- Microstructures and deformation mechanisms in deformed rocks
Field mapping; mineralogical analyses; major and trace element geochemistry; thermodynamic modelling (Perple_X); electron backscattered diffraction (EBSD); quantitative textural analysis (PolyLX); mass balance calculations; CL; SEM; EPMA; U-(Th-)Pb, 40Ar/39Ar and Lu-Hf geochronology.
- Alpine orogenic belt: External Crystalline Massifs, Sesia zone, Suretta nappe, Tauern window, Austro-Alpine nappes, Queyras massif, Alpine Corsica
- Variscan belt : Maures-Tanneron massif, Bohemian massif, French Massif Central, Pyrenean Axial Zone, Vosges Mountains
- Tianshan belt (north-western China)
- Eastern Tibet (central China)
- Oman ophiolite
Past & present teaching activities
- Licence 1 : Introduction to Geology – Field Cartography (Methodology) – Nature of terrestrial envelopes – Optical microscopy – Structural geology.
- Licence 2 : Tectonic – Metamorphism – Magmatism & metamorphism – Structural geology – Structural analyses – Optical microscopy – Cartography and Field cartography.
- Licence 3 : Tectonic – Metamorphism & Geodynamic – Metamorphic petrology – Magmatic petrology – Field geology.
- Master 1 : Interplays between deformation, metamorphism and chemical mass transfers – Structural geology (stress and strain, fold, fractures and fluid flow) – Microstructural and textural analyses of plastically deformed rocks – Thermodynamic modeling – Field geology.
- Master 2 : Metamorphic petrology and geodynamic – Thermodynamic modeling – Communication and science popularization – Field geology.
- Prépa. Agreg. SVT : Cartography and geological maps – Pétrology and Métamorphism – Ductile deformation – Variscan chain
27- Ballas G., Raynaud S., Lopez M., Oliot E., Sizun J.-P., Caillaud J., Barou F., Ildefonse B. (2024) Initiation and development of tectonic stylolite -Vein system in micritic limestone (Les Matelles, France). Journal of Structural Geology, 183, pp.105130. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jsg.2024.105130
26- Maitre A., Gueydan F., Thieulot C., Oliot E. (2024) Brittle‐Ductile Rheological Behavior in Subduction Zones: Effects of Strength Ratio Between Strong and Weak Phases in a Bi‐Phase System. Geophysical Research Letters, 51 (8), https://doi.org/10.1029/2024GL108405
25- Cugerone A, Oliot E., Munoz M, Barou F, Motto- Ros V, Cenki B. (2024). Plastic deformation and trace element mobility in sphalerite. American Mineralogist, 109 (11): 1888–1912. https://doi.org/10.2138/am-2023-9215
24- Goussin F., Guillot S., Ruffet G., Poujol M., Oliot, E., Replumaz A., Cordier C., Dupont-Nivet G., and Roperch P. (2023). Polarity and Timing of the Deformation Along the Jinsha Suture Zone (Yushu Area, Northeastern Tibet). Tectonics. https://doi.org/10.1029/2023TC007888
23- Decrausaz, T., Godard, M., Menzel, M. D., Parat, F., Oliot, E., Lafay, R., and Barou, F. (2023). Pervasive carbonation of peridotite to listvenite (Semail Ophiolite, Sultanate of Oman): clues from iron partitioning and chemical zoning, European Journal of Mineralogy, 35, 171–187, https://doi.org/10.5194/ejm-35-171-2023.
22- Gay, A., Padron, C., Meyer, S., Beaufort, D., Oliot, E., Lallemand, S., et al. (2021). Elongated giant seabed polygons and underlying polygonal faults as indicators of the creep deformation of Pliocene to recent sediments in the Grenada Basin, Caribbean Sea. Geochemistry, Geophysics, Geosystems, 22, e2021GC009809. https://doi.org/10.1029/2021GC009809
21- Allard, M., Ildefonse, B., Oliot, E., and Barou, F. (2021). Plastic Deformation of Plagioclase in Oceanic Gabbro Accreted at a Slow‐Spreading Ridge (Hole U1473A, Atlantis Bank, Southwest Indian Ridge). J Geophys Res Solid Earth. https://doi.org/10.1029/2021JB021964
20- Cugerone A., Roger F., Cenki B., Oliot, E., Paquette J.-L. (2021). Variscan U-Th-Pb age for stratabound Pb-Zn mineralization in the Bossòst dome (Pyrenean Axial Zone), Ore Geology Reviews, Volume 139, Part A, 104503, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.oregeorev.2021.104503
19- Cugerone, A., Cenki-Tok, B., Munoz, M., Kouzmanov K., Oliot, E., Motto-Ros, V. & Le Goff, E., 2020. Behavior of critical metals in metamorphosed Pb-Zn ore deposits: example from the Pyrenean Axial Zone. Mineralium Deposita, 56, 685–705.
18- Lobjoie C., Trap P., Oliot E., Lin W., Barou F., Goncalves P. & Marquer D., 2020. Rheological behavior of high temperature garnet-bearing migmatites: The Khondalite Belt example (North China Craton). Journal of Structural Geology, 131, 103910. doi : 10.1016/j.jsg.2019.103910
17- Cugerone A., Cenki-Tok B., Oliot E., Munoz M., Barou F., Motto-Ros V. and Le Goff E., 2019. Redistribution of germanium during dynamic recrystallization of sphalerite. Geology. doi: https://doi.org/10.1130/G46791.1.
16- Leydier T., Goncalves P., Lanari, P. and Oliot E., 2019. On the petrology of brittle precursors of shear zones – an expression of concomitant brittle deformation and fluid‐rock interactions in the “ductile” continental crust? Journal of Metamorphic Geology, doi: 10.1111/jmg.12504
15- Cugerone A., Oliot E., Chauvet A., Gavaldà Bordes J., Laurent A., Le Goff E. and Cenki-Tok B., 2018. Structural Control on the Formation of Pb-Zn Deposits: An Example from the Pyrenean Axial Zone. Minerals, 8(11), 489. doi:10.3390/min8110489
14- Noël J., Godard M., Oliot E., Martinez I., Williams M., Boudier F., Rodriguez O., Chaduteau C., Escario S., Gouze P. 2018. Evidence of polygenetic carbon trapping in the Oman Ophiolite: petro-structural, geochemical, and carbon and oxygen isotope study of the Wadi Dima harzburgite-hosted carbonates (Wadi Tayin massif, Sultanate of Oman). Lithos doi: 10.1016/j.lithos.2018.08.020
13- Soldner J., Oliot E., Schulmann K., Štípská P., Kusbach V. and Anczkiewicz R. 2017. Metamorphic P-T-t-d evolution of (U)HP metabasites from the South Tianshan accretionary complex (NW China) – Implications for rock deformation during exhumation in a subduction channel. Gondwana Research (47), 161–187.
12- Goncalves P., Poilvet J.-C., Oliot E., Trap P. and Marquer D. 2016. How does shear zone nucleate? An example from the Suretta nappe (Swiss Eastern Alps). Journal of Structural Geology, 86, 166–180.
11- Durand C., Oliot E., Marquer D. and Sizun J.-P. 2015. Chemical mass transfers in shear zone and metacarbonate xenoliths: Comparison of four mass balance approaches. European Journal of Mineralogy, 27(6), 731-754. doi: 10.1127/ejm/2015/0027-2475.
10- Lacroix B., Tesei T., Oliot E., Lahfid A. and Collettini C. 2015. Early weakening processes inside thrust fault. Tectonics, 34(7), 1396–1411. doi: 10.1002/2014TC003716.
9- Oliot E., Melleton J., Schneider J., Corsini M., Gardien V. and Rolland Y. 2015. Variscan crustal thickening in the Maures – Tanneron Massif (South Variscan belt, France): new in situ monazite U-Th-Pb chemical dating of high-grade rocks. Bulletin de la Société géologique de France, 186 (2-3), 145-169.
8- Hasalová P., Schulmann K., Tabaud A.-S. and Oliot E. 2015. Microstructural evidences for mineralogical inheritance in partially molten rocks: example from Vosges Mts. Bulletin de la Société géologique de France, 186 (2-3), 131-143.
7- Schulmann K., Oliot E., Kosulicova M., Montigny R. and Štípská P. 2014. Variscan thermal overprints exemplified by U-Th-Pb monazite and K-Ar muscovite and biotite dating at the eastern margin of the Bohemian Massif (East Sudetes, Czech Republic). Journal of GEOsciences, 59 (4), 389-413.
6- Oliot E., Goncalves P., Schulmann K., Marquer D. and Lexa O. 2014. Mid-crustal shear zone formation in granitic rocks: Constraints from quantitative textural and crystallographic preferred orientations analyses. Tectonophysics, 612-613, 63-80.
5- Goncalves P., Marquer D., Oliot E. and Durand C. 2013. Thermodynamic modeling and thermobarometry of metasomatized rocks. In Metasomatism and the Chemical Transformation of Rock : The Role of Fluids in Terrestrial and Extraterrestrial Processes, D. E. Harlov and A. Austrheim (Ed.) Lecture Notes in Earth System Sciences, VI, 53-91, Springer.
4- Goncalves P., Oliot E., Marquer D. and Connolly J.A.D. 2012. Role of chemical processes on shear zone formation : an example from the Grimsel metagranodiorite (Aar massif, Central Alps). Journal of Metamorphic Geology, 30 (7), 703–722.
3- Sanchez G., Rolland Y., Schneider J., Corsini M., Oliot E., Goncalves P., Verati C., Lardeaux J.-M. and Marquer D. 2011. Dating Low-Temperature deformation by 40Ar/39Ar on white mica, insights from the Argentera-Mercantour Massif (SW Alps). Lithos, 125 (1-2), 521-536.
2- Cenki-Tok B., Oliot E., Rubatto D., Berger A., Engi M., Janots E., Thomsen T., Manzotti P., Regis D., Spandler C., Robyr M. and Goncalves P. 2011. Preservation of Permian allanite within an Alpine eclogite facies shear zone at Mt Mucrone, Italy : Mechanical and chemical behaviour of allanite during mylonitization. Lithos, 125 (1-2), 40-50.
1- Oliot E., Goncalves P. and Marquer D. 2010. Role of plagioclase and reaction softening in a metagranite shear zone at mid-crustal conditions (Gotthard Massif, Swiss Central Alps). Journal of Metamorphic Geology, 28 (8), 849-871.
Other publications :
Cugerone, A., Cenki, B., Oliot, É., & Munoz, M. (2023). Structure et texture des minéralisations Pb-Zn dans la zone axiale des Pyrénées ; in Évolution Des Pyrénées Au Cours Du Cycle Varisque et Du Cycle Alpin 1, 87–109. ISTE Editions. https://doi.org/10.51926/iste.9124.ch2
Cugerone A., Cenki-Tok B. and Oliot E. 2020. Ces métaux qui viennent à manquer, un enjeu pour les sociétés de demain. The Conversation France.
Marquer D., Goncalves P., Gapais D. and Oliot E.. (2011) La déformation des granites : zones de cisaillement ductiles. Geochronique, 120, 28-31.
Supervisions and co-supervisions of students
PhD theses :
– Maitre A., 2022-2025. Déformation des gabbros dans les zones de subduction. Implications des glissements lents. Co-encadrement (50%) avec F. Gueydan.
– Allard M., 2018-2021. Accrétion de la croûte océanique : caractérisation microstructurale et pétro-géochimique d’une coupe de référence dans les gabbros à la dorsale sud-ouest indienne. Co-encadrement (75%) avec B. Ildefonse.
– Cugerone A., 2016-2019. Impact de la recristallisation et du métamorphisme sur la mobilité du germanium et éléments associés dans les minéralisations Pb-Zn orogéniques : exemple des minéralisations de la Zone Axiale des Pyrénées (France-Espagne). Co-encadrement (30%) avec B. Cenki.
Master’s theses (Masters 2 students):
– Rouelle Q., 2023. Interactions entre métamorphisme et déformation crustale en contexte transpressif : étude intégrée dans le massif des Maures (Var, France). Co-encadrement avec F. Gueydan.
– Maitre A., 2022. Déformation fragile-ductile de métagabbros lors de la subduction (massif du Queyras, Alpes, France) : implication potentielle sur la mécanique des glissements transitoires. Co-encadrement avec F. Gueydan.
– Pierre V., 2018. Étude tectono-métamorphique et rhéologique des roches (U)HT de la zone de Yushugou (Xinjiang, Chine).
– Negre L., 2017. Cyclicité des glissements lents lors de la déformation ductile : évidences microstructurales et modélisations numériques de la rhéologie d’orthogneiss en Corse Alpine (Marine de Giottani et massif du Tende).
– Leydier T., 2016. Fluid-rocks interactions and deformation mechanisms during shear zone formation: an example from the East Tenda Shear Zone (Corsica).
– Litschgy L., 2015. Causes and consequences of crustal anatexis in partial-melted gneiss in the Vosges Mountains. Co-supervision with P. Hasalova.
– Soldner J., 2014. Structural mapping, metamorphic petrology and microstructural analyses of (U)HP metamorphic rocks in the Central Tianshan (western China).
– Juliani C., 2013. Caractérisation pétrométamorphique, pétrostructurale et microstructurale de la zone de cisaillement d’Eita et des unités de Campo-Grosina (Alpes centrales): implications sur les processus d’amincissement crustal.
– Giroud M. 2013. Etude pétro-métamorphique des roches de l’unité de Grosina (Alpes centrales). Master 2 SVT.
– Mezri L., 2012. Caractérisation pétro-métamorphique de la zone de cisaillement d’Eita (Alpes centrales), implications pour les processus d’amincissement crustal. Co-supervision with G. Mohn and G. Manatschal.
– Peillod A., 2012. Caractérisation structurale et microstructurale de la zone de cisaillement d’Eita (Alpes centrales), implications pour les processus d’amincissement crustal. Co-supervision with G. Mohn and G. Manatschal.
– Walter B. 2012. Mise en place des granites de l’ile d’Elbe en contexte extensif : apports des données structurales et pétrophysiques. Co-supervision with Y. Géraud and M. Diraison.
– Deparis P., 2012. Fluid-rock interactions and chemical mass transfers related with a faulted contact between a granite and a surrounding paragneiss (Vosges). Master 2 SVT. Co-supervision with Y. Géraud.
Master 1 students:
– Rouelle Q., 2022. Étude des processus responsables de la réduction de taille de grains dans des zones de cisaillements de basse température dans des granites. Co-encadrement avec A. Tommasi.
– Maitre A., 2021. Analyse de la déformation fragile et ductile dans les métagabbros du massif du Queyras. Co-encadrement avec F. Gueydan
– Labrana E., 2020. Analyse pétrologique des métagabbros du massif du Queyras. Co-encadrement avec F. Gueydan.
– Afoy M.-C., 2020. Analyses pétro-minéralogiques de pyroxénites intrusives dans la dunite de Batin (Ophiolite d’Oman). Co-encadrement avec M. Godard.
– Maillard Y., 2018. Analyse de la fracturation des harzburgites d’Oman à partir des logs d’imagerie enregistrés dans les forages BA-1 de l’ « Oman Drilling Project ». Co-encadrement avec B. Célerier.
– Allard M., 2017. Étude tectono-métamorphique et géochronologique 40Ar/39Ar des roches du Cap de Creus (Espagne). Co-encadrement avec P. Monié.
– Faucher A., 2016. Processus de nucléation et de développement de zones de déformation hétérogène et localisée dans la croûte moyenne : exemple des zones de cisaillement de la granodiorite de Roses (Espagne).
– Goubet M., 2015. Microstructural analyses of eclogites: rheology of a Palaeozoic subduction zone.
– Litschgy L., 2014. Microstructural and chemical reappraisal of mineralogical inheritance in partially molten rocks: example of the granitoids in central Vosges. Co-supervision with P. Hasalova, K. Schulmann and A.-S. Tabaud.
– Soldner J., 2013. Petrology and microstructural analyses of high-pressure rocks from the Southern Tianshan (Central Asia).
– Schohn A., 2013. Fluid-rock interactions in faults from Pyrenean fossil margins. Co-supervision with V.H. Pinto and G. Manatschal.
– Jory M., 2012. Chemical mass transfers and metamorphic reactions associated with a major discontinuity in the Variscan chain: example of the Lalaye – Lubine shear zone (Vosges).
– Juliani C., 2012. Electron Backscaterred Diffraction study of quartz and albite related to the development of greenschist facies shear zones: example from the Aar granitoids (Aar Massif, Central Alps, Switzerland).
– Mazeau A., 2012. Electron Backscaterred Diffraction study of quartz related to the development of eclogitic facies shear zone: example from the Monte Mucrone quartz-diorite (Sesia zone, Italy).
– Belle P., 2008. Structural cartography, petrography and metamorphism of the Monte Mucrone area, Sesia Zone, Italia. Co-supervision with P. Goncalves and D. Marquer.
L3 students (personal projects) :
– Hanon M. & Basset F. 2021. Minéralogie et microstructures de déformation de roches échantillonnées dans le forage IDDP-2 (Péninsule de Reykjanes, Islande). Co-supervision with B. Gibert.
– Morieux H. & Amrane Y., 2020. Déformation, métamorphisme et interactions fluides-roches à une interface croute-manteau : exemple du massif de Yushugou.
– Afoy M.-C. & Sylla D., 2019. Analyse de la fracturation des péridotites d’Oman à partir des logs d’imagerie enregistrés dans deux forages de l’ « Oman Drilling Project ». Co-encadrement avec B. Célerier et J. Noël.
– Totaro K. & Gouzy S., 2019. Analyses pétrologiques des roches magmatiques et métamorphiques de l’île de Saint-Martin.
– Camara B., 2016. Étude des migmatites/granulites de Madagascar : Interaction entre déformation, transferts chimiques et métamorphisme
– Issautier B., 2006. Petrographic and thermobarometric studies of metamorphic rocks of the Maures massif, French variscides. Co-supervision with Y. Rolland and M. Corsini.